You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know
Hi everybody,
This story was written by Paula Manga, our warehouse manager.
This is what happened (Part 1):
I had been working with Furnishing Families of Texas for just over a year, but this was the first time I actually went with the team to furnish a house. In my mind, I thought “furnishing” meant just filling in with a few items, to maybe “enhance” what they already had.
The 26 ft truck was fully loaded. The team had masterfully filled that big vehicle with everything you can imagine. There was a house in that thing. I was sure we were going to bring back at least the sofa, one of the beds, and probably one of the dressers. In my mind I had this feeling that we were way over doing it. I mean, nobody ever needs everything, right? What a bubble I had lived in.
I have seen great poverty, coming from Brazil where you will find one of the largest slums in the world (more than 200 thousand people in a place called Rocinha). Even though those people have very little, they generally have something. I was about to get educated in a whole different level of need and poverty.
Furnishing Families of Texas is all about changing lives and not just for the families we serve, who need everything (sheets, towels, beds, pots and pans, etc), but also for those of us who serve. We, ourselves, are impacted with every truckload we deliver and with every opportunity to share the love of Jesus with a family in need. We are grateful to be able to do what we do. And we THANK YOU for your support.
As One,
Annabelle and Lance