Wow! These 2021 Milestones...
"Ponderings of Gratitude"
2021: A Year of Fullness
As I reflect on 2021, I am in awe of the “year of fullness” it was for Furnishing Families!
Thank you to our partners who helped make this possible!
The combination of the abundant blessings of God, the faithful commitment of our donors, and the team of volunteers, partners and staff all constitute the wonder of a “movement” that is in motion!
Let's take a look back at just some of the milestones of this last year that have accelerated the trajectory of your impact!!
Milestones of 2021
Really, there is so much more to talk about and SO MANY families that have been helped. It is deeply touching to hear that children are doing better in school, because they are getting a good night sleep, they are healthier, or that the mom had her children returned from CPS and is steady in a job that has lasted more than a few months! Seeing families become stable is the main fruit of this work. We are fruit inspectors at Furnishing Families.
The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Joy is one third of the kingdom. During January, we have been celebrating joy on our social media platforms! Check it out by following the icons near the bottom of the page.
Furnishing Families is a gateway for God to move through to create “flourishing families." It is the generosity of TIME AND TREASURE that is releasing the joy of the kingdom to many! Thank You to all who have contributed in some way to this work!
As One, let’s put on the joy, keep some joy, and dispense the joy today!
Celebrating The Joy,
Annabelle and Lance
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