The YMCA Outreach

The Metropolitan Fort Worth YMCA was founded in 1892. A group of men in The Gospel Wagon would roll down the streets of the gambling houses and brothels of Hell’s Half Acre in Fort Worth. They won the souls of drunken lost men and set them on the path to a new life.

In 1903, during times of segregation, the African American YMCA was housed in the Como Hotel on Jones Street. This building was donated to the Y by William M McDonald, the first black millionaire in the state of Texas. The legacy of this YMCA is rich in supporting the community with programs and opportunities that have a lasting impact on the lives of children and adults. 


Last Saturday, Furnishing Families had its second opportunity this year to have a “Great Clothing Giveaway Outreach” at the William M McDonald YMCA.

On the fourth Saturday of every month, the McDonald Y hosts a North Tarrant Mobile Food Bank. As a board member of this YMCA, I saw the opportunity for FFOT to partner with the Y on this day with our passion for community outreach.

On the morning of March 25th, our truck arrived on site, loaded with hygiene products, toys, bibles, swag, and 20 racks of clothing! We were set up and ready when the mobile food bank opened at 11:00 am. Our team loves outreach. Special thanks to all the volunteers, who came to serve with us, as well!

Mitchell Blvd Elementary school, next door to the YMCA, sent out our flyers to their students’ families. Due to this new relationship, we were able to reach a whole new community.

Drum roll please….89 families and 321 individuals left with full bags, joyful and blessed. The Mobile Food Bank provided 8,403 tons of pounds of food to 112 households, representing 596 individuals. The impact of this day was tremendous!

-Karen Kelly (Pictured above next to AJ McCleod, the Executive Director of Community Impact)

To read the rest of the newsletter CLICK HERE

Click On Left Thumbnail To Watch a Recap of January’s Event

Annabelle Wallnau