Testimony From Our Tribe!

“Annabelle, I want you to know you inspired me to ACT!”

Meet Judy A Bauman from Flowery Branch, Georgia, founder of The Father's Love Int'l. She recently shared with Annabelle this amazing story in a Facebook comment.

Judy’s husband Jeff works as a private contractor for Lanier Islands, a nearby resort, that was renovating their lake cabins. They were upgrading most of their furniture and appliances, and she learned that whatever they didn’t sell was going to be thrown away!

Judy exclaimed: ‘We can't let this solid wood furniture be tossed!!!” She asked a manager, “Can you give me a couple of days?" He agreed. She connected local ministries with these quality donations: WayPointe Ministry of Murrayville, GA, which serves as a multi-faceted men’s rehab center, and Fully Furnished of Norcross, GA, which shares a similar mission to Furnishing Families!

“Annabelle, I want you to know you inspired me to ACT…Thank you…Thank You, Jesus - glory to God!” Hearing from you on social media and email delivers encouragement! Thank you, Judy, for being instrumental in this God story and for sharing it with us!


If you have a testimony of how you have been inspired to act by Furnishing Families please post or comment on our social media accounts or email us at hope@ffotex.com.

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Annabelle Wallnau